Recent News

July 3, 2024

We welcome Taylor Harris and Jingyu Xu to our lab!

June 25, 2024

Our paper “Splicing-specific transcriptome-wide association uncovers genetic mechanisms for schizophrenia” is published at AJHG.  A great collaboration with the Pasaniuc lab! Congratulations to Jonatan and coauthors!!

June 21, 2024

Our paper “Long-read RNA-seq demarcates cis- and trans-directed alternative RNA splicing” is now on BioRxiv!  Check out the new tool isoLASER on our Github.  Congratulations to Gio and Kofi!


June 17, 2024

Alison and Ryan graduate from UCLA CaSB!  Congratulations!!!

June 14, 2024

We welcome Armen and Weijian to join our lab officially!

June 10, 2024

Congratulations to Sari for winning the Whitcome Fellowship!

June 4, 2024

Our collaboration paper on “hnRNPM protects against the dsRNA-mediated interferon response by repressing LINE-associated cryptic splicing” is published at Molecular Cell. A great collaboration with Dr. Chonghui Cheng’s lab at Baylor College of Medicine.  Congratulations to all authors!

May 22, 2024

We welcome undergraduate student Angela Zhang to our lab!

May 15, 2024

Our review on “Navigating the landscape of epitranscriptomics and host immunity” is published at Genome Research.  Congratulations Elaine and Clara.

April 18, 2024

UCLA News reports about our recent MPRA paper.  Read here.

Recent Events